Go for your dreams – Wed 8/4

Larry Doxford, Mihir Godbole, and John Adams of Extreme Space Adventure Team will be my guest on Wednesday 8/4/10 to discuss “Going for your dreams – sky is no longer the limit!”. This will be a great conversation with two engineering professionals who have found enjoyment and satisfaction with a project outside of work. It’s a great example of living your dreams regardless of what anyone else says!

Join us on Wed 8/4 at 4pm PT| 5pm MT|6pm CT|7pm ET at http://ow.ly/1GtFk. You can either call in to (917) 932-1762, or listen from your computer. Feel free to ask a live question on the call, or in the chat room. If you’re not able to listen to the radio show at the broadcast time, you can return to that link and hear the archives from your computer or download to your iPod.

THE EXTREME SPACE ADVENTURE TEAM (Project HUBAR Mission) Mission: We aim to leverage our experiences and knowledge gained from our past and current projects to position us for future projects and more challenging adventures. We aim to be the most recognized and capable team in the entire world to be able to launch experiments and payloads into near space for the benefit of science, technology and aspiring experimenters and enthusiastic artists, photographers and institutions.

Team is comprised of:

Jonathan Adams (Director – Flight Planning)

Mihir Godbole (Director – Flight Execution & Innovation)

Larry Doxford (Director – Unit Development & Strategic Planning)

Uday Tadiparty (Director – Solution Design)

Website: http://www.extremespaceadventures.com/ProjectPegasus2
Contact Information for Jon Adams flyingj@comcast.net
Contact Information for Larry Doxford biglardox@yahoo.com

Quote from the show:
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

Number of the show: 4
4 creative and daring men set out to create Extreme Space Adventures and they are impacting the lives of many people already. Good work gents!

Articles referred to on the radio show:
Watch this YouTube video for an example of what you don’t want to be, or do.

Social media impact on workplace – Mon 8/2

Eve Mayer Orsburn will be my guest on Monday 8/2/10 to discuss “Social Media impact on workplace”. Join us on Monday 8/2 at 11am PT|12n MT|1pm CT|2pm ET at http://ow.ly/1GtFk. You can either call in to (917) 932-1762, or listen from your computer. Feel free to ask a live question on the call, or in the chat room. If you’re not able to listen to the radio show at the broadcast time, you can return to that link and hear the archives from your computer or download to your iPod.

Eve Mayer Orsburn is the CEO of Social Media Delivered, an interactive social media firm headquartered in Dallas, TX & Paris, France.  Her firm offers their diverse client base management, consulting, and training services, which bring social media strategy into their business/marketing campaigns.

Quote of the show:
“The only way to put out a social-media fire is with social-media water.” Ramon DeLeon, managing partner of six Domino’s stores in Chicago

Number of the show:
According to Flowtown of top 50 social companies, 69% Twitter users are male, with females making up only 30% of the Twitter users. Perhaps because the companies are male dominated technology companies?

Articles referred to on the radio show:
The Most Social Companies: http://www.flowtown.com/blog/which-companies-are-most-social?display=wide
Social Media quotes:  http://www.mirnabard.com/2010/04/99-favorite-social-media-quotes-and-tips/

Social Media Revolution is no joke. Check out this YouTube video that profoundly communicates impact of Social Media in all aspects of our lives:

Understanding Communication Styles – Mon 7/26

Jane Roqueplot will be my guest on Monday 7/26/10 to discuss “Understanding communication styles”. Join us on Monday 7/26 at 11am PT|12n MT|1pm CT|2pm ET at http://ow.ly/1GtFk. You can either call in to (917) 932-1762, or listen from your computer. Feel free to ask a live question on the call, or in the chat room. If you’re not able to listen to the radio show at the broadcast time, you can return to that link and hear the archives from your computer or download to your iPod.

Jane Roqueplot is a Certified Behavioral Analyst, Credentialed Workforce Development Professional, and a Professional Career Coach who owns and operates JaneCo’s Sensible Solutions, a Career Advancement Firm in PA. With more than 20 years of experience in providing motivation and encouragement, Jane teaches individuals and teams to be “people-sensitive” and helps them develop effective relationships. Clients understand their unique strengths and communication styles through the use of Behavioral Style Analysis and with her customized services incorporating the Style Analysis, Jane delivers positive results for job seeking clients, by providing resume writing and career coaching for clientele from across the country. Additionally, she serves as a Training Coach for other career professionals in the use of Behavioral Assessments since 2001.

Jane’s contact information:

Quote of the show:
“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -George Bernard Shaw, critic and playwright

Number of the show: 1,980,152
1,980,152 is the # of people on LinkedIn that have the word “Communication” in their profile. There must be a lot of talented communicators out there!

What employees want from managers – Mon 7/19

Jennifer will be discussing what employees want from their managers and the phone lines will be open answer your questions related to careers, job search, and the workplace. Jennifer is a professional career coach and has coached hundreds of job seekers and career transitioners as they discover where to go in their career and how to get there.

Ever asked yourself:

  • How do I effectively find a job?
  • Does networking really work?
  • My job is going no where… why do I keep going back?
  • etc.

Call (917) 932-1762 and Jennifer will answer your pressing career related questions. See you on the call at 11am PT | 12noon MT | 1pm CT | 2pm ET. Click for podcast to listen from your computer.

Contact information for Jennifer.

Articles referred to on the show:
HBR article: “4 things employees need from leaders” http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2010/05/four_things_employees_need.html
HBR article: “Debunking 4 myths about employee silence” http://hbr.org/2010/06/debunking-four-myths-about-employee-silence/ar/1

“Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.” – James R. Cook

Number: 25
More than 25% of employees say they withold feedback on routine problems and opportunities for improvement to avoid wasting their time, not because they fear consequences.

Spouse of a US Foreign Service Officer – Mon 7/12

Julie Mendez will be my guest on Monday 7/12/10 to discuss what it’s like as a wife of a US Foreign Service Officer living overseas and still having a career. Join us on Monday 7/12 at 11am PT|12n MT|1pm CT|2pm ET at http://ow.ly/1GtFk. You can either call in to (917) 932-1762, or listen from your computer. Feel free to ask a live question on the call, or in the chat room. If you’re not able to listen to the radio show at the broadcast time, you can return to that link and hear the archives from your computer or download to your iPod.

Julie Mendez, a Certified Job Search Specialist, offers resume, job search, and interview coaching services to job seekers around the globe. Her passion is to help her clients find not just A job, but THE job; and she makes it her personal mission to empower each individual with the skills they need to land the particular job they want and deserve. Because of her gypsy lifestyle following her spouse’s diplomatic career around the world, Julie has also had the opportunity to serve as the Community Liaison Office Coordinator at the US Embassy in Rome, Italy; where she developed programs and initiatives to maintain high morale and enhance the quality of life for the US diplomatic community. As a Career Coach with JSM Career Coaching, Julie has led employment-related teleseminars for other US Embassy communities, and also has been a teleseminar presenter for the National Resume Writer Association. She is also a member of the Interview Coaching Association and the International Coaching Federation.

Check out Julie’s blog about being a wife of a Foreign Service Officer: jobsearchcoaching.blogspot.com/2010/07/trailing-spouse-work-in-foreign-service.html.

Julie’s contact information:
Website http://www.jsmcareercoaching.com/
Email JulieMendez@jsmcareercoaching.com
Blog http://www.jobsearchcoaching.blogspot.com/
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/juliemendez
Twitter http://twitter.com/JulieMendez
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/JSM-Career-Coaching/188220880293?ref=sgm

Quote of the show:
“If you had your life to live over again, do it overseas.” -Henny Youngman, British violinist and comedian

Number of the show: 26.1
Douglas, Colo., had the largest increase in average weekly wages in the fourth quarter of 2009, 26.1 percent, compared with a national increase of 2.5 percent.

Articles referred to on the radio show:
Here is another article related working overseas: http://www.foreignservicejournal-digital.com/foreignservicejournal/200912/#pg63