Episode#2: Focusing on Strengths

It’s critical in today’s economy and business climate to make sure to find and communicate the value of your strengths to your team. Here’s a lesson learned from watching Celebrity Apprentice… read more at jenarmitstead.wordpress.com.

Link to the podcast: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jobclubradio/2010/03/29/the-sequel-episode-ii

Links to articles covered in podcast:

Bloomberg: U.S. Economy: Spending Increases, Incomes Stagnate (Update1)

Associated Press: Oil above $80 as traders look to US jobs data

“Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.” – Marilyn vos Savant, Journalist

Number of the Week:
$25 billion – http://www.macnn.com/articles/10/03/29/executive.makes.list.of.30.most.respected.ceos/
The health of Steve Jobs may be extremely critical to Apple’s monetary worth, a new Barron’s report claims. Compiling its annual 30 Most Respected CEOs list, on which Jobs is present, the publication notes that stock value dropped when word came out of the CEO’s medical problems; the executive was forced to take a six-month leave of absence during 2009. Particularly considering that Apple’s market value recently topped $200 billion, Jobs’ life is estimated by Barron’s to be worth about $25 billion.”