Spouse of a US Foreign Service Officer – Mon 7/12

Julie Mendez will be my guest on Monday 7/12/10 to discuss what it’s like as a wife of a US Foreign Service Officer living overseas and still having a career. Join us on Monday 7/12 at 11am PT|12n MT|1pm CT|2pm ET at http://ow.ly/1GtFk. You can either call in to (917) 932-1762, or listen from your computer. Feel free to ask a live question on the call, or in the chat room. If you’re not able to listen to the radio show at the broadcast time, you can return to that link and hear the archives from your computer or download to your iPod.

Julie Mendez, a Certified Job Search Specialist, offers resume, job search, and interview coaching services to job seekers around the globe. Her passion is to help her clients find not just A job, but THE job; and she makes it her personal mission to empower each individual with the skills they need to land the particular job they want and deserve. Because of her gypsy lifestyle following her spouse’s diplomatic career around the world, Julie has also had the opportunity to serve as the Community Liaison Office Coordinator at the US Embassy in Rome, Italy; where she developed programs and initiatives to maintain high morale and enhance the quality of life for the US diplomatic community. As a Career Coach with JSM Career Coaching, Julie has led employment-related teleseminars for other US Embassy communities, and also has been a teleseminar presenter for the National Resume Writer Association. She is also a member of the Interview Coaching Association and the International Coaching Federation.

Check out Julie’s blog about being a wife of a Foreign Service Officer: jobsearchcoaching.blogspot.com/2010/07/trailing-spouse-work-in-foreign-service.html.

Julie’s contact information:
Website http://www.jsmcareercoaching.com/
Email JulieMendez@jsmcareercoaching.com
Blog http://www.jobsearchcoaching.blogspot.com/
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/juliemendez
Twitter http://twitter.com/JulieMendez
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/JSM-Career-Coaching/188220880293?ref=sgm

Quote of the show:
“If you had your life to live over again, do it overseas.” -Henny Youngman, British violinist and comedian

Number of the show: 26.1
Douglas, Colo., had the largest increase in average weekly wages in the fourth quarter of 2009, 26.1 percent, compared with a national increase of 2.5 percent.

Articles referred to on the radio show:
Here is another article related working overseas: http://www.foreignservicejournal-digital.com/foreignservicejournal/200912/#pg63